FKmob is the application that integrates you to the integrated FK (Family Keeper) security system of your condominium or company.In this new version, it is possible to include authorizations for private visitors or sporadic service providers, which are automatically registered at the entrance.Its very simple! You can even customize an INVITATION and share it with your guests and providers, just by presenting the QRCode to speed up registration upon arrival.With this application you can also view all permanent users associated with your residential unit, including owners, dependents, tenants, employees of the residence or works, showing the photograph recorded in the system, their registration data, access permissions, expiration date, in addition to the status of “active/inactive”, “expired” or “locked”.All accesses made in controlled locations are available for consultation online, through a report available in the application. This report also shows the access made by visitors and accredited service providers at the entrance through the invitation.You can also check whether there is correspondence pending collection, as well as extract a report containing records of content movement, both in collections carried out by authorized residents, as well as in markings of correspondence pending collection made by the concierge team.Imag’in’Action – Sistemas de Segurança is a technology company with more than 25 years of experience in the development and implementation of efficient solutions in property security.We have a highly specialized technical team, guaranteeing the continuity of the operation of the systems installed in customers, both through remote support and also through local visits for preventive and corrective maintenance.All solutions are integrated within a powerful management and monitoring system, the FK (Family Keeper), capable of covering the necessary tools for the implementation of an efficient security system, and our services range from the elaboration of projects, execution of infrastructure, installation of equipment from several leading manufacturers in the market, production of accessories such as badges and identification devices, in addition to process modeling, training and certification of operators.